Acute Soft-Tissue Injuries

Our dedicated Portland workers’ compensation lawyer can help you navigate the complex claims process.

Acute Soft-Tissue Injuries: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Acute Soft-Tissue Injuries

Soft-tissue injuries can be painful, severely restrict movement, and take a significant time to heal. The muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons that run throughout the human body are essential for movement. An injury to a critical muscle, ligament, or tendon could take months or longer to heal, leaving you in intense pain and affecting your livelihood while you seek treatment.

As a Portland, Oregon, workers’ compensation attorney, Jodie Anne Phillips Polich represents workers who’ve suffered soft-tissue injuries in on-the-job-accidents. After being appointed to the Oregon Workers’ Compensation Board in 1999 by former Gov. John Kitzhaber, she returned to private practice in 2003 to fight for the rights of Portland’s injured workers. Her in-depth experience with both sides of the workers’ compensation process gives her a significant advantage in helping you obtain the benefits you need.

For more information on how our workers’ compensation law firm can serve you, contact our office for a free initial consultation.

Get Started with your CaseCall Us at 503-654-1388

Common Types and Causes of Acute Soft-Tissue Injuries in Portland

A soft-tissue injury can be broadly defined as any injury to muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissues. Some of the most common types of work-related soft-tissue injuries in Portland include:

  • Sprains — A sprain is when a ligament in your body becomes stretched or torn. Ligaments are fibrous structures that connect bones to other bones, so a torn or stretched ligament can significantly impair movement. These injuries can happen either due to a hard blow or gradual stress on your body over time.
  • Strains — A strain is when one of the muscles or a tendon in your body becomes torn or stretched. Tendons are similar to ligaments, except they connect bones to muscle tissue. A severe muscle or tendon strain can be just as debilitating as a significant sprain.
  • Contusions — A contusion is a bruise affecting a muscle, ligament, or tendon caused by a hard blow. Mild contusions usually heal fairly quickly with minimal long-term effects. A moderate or severe contusion can cause permanent damage to the affected tissue.
  • Tendonitis — Tendonitis occurs when a tendon or its covering becomes inflamed, often due to wear and tear over time. Tendonitis causes intense pain and swelling in the affected area. In many cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the injury.
  • Bursitis — Repetitive stress or overuse of a muscle, ligament, or tendon can cause swelling and irritation of soft tissues, also known as bursitis. Bursitis can also overlap with tendonitis in some cases.
  • Cellulitis — Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin and underlying soft tissues caused by a break in the skin.

Any of these soft-tissue injuries can happen while you are on the job.

Some of the most common causes of soft-tissue injuries at work are:

Treatments for Acute Soft-Tissue Injuries

Depending on the severity of a soft-tissue injury, potential treatment options include:

  • Surgery — In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair a torn or badly injured muscle, ligament, or tendon. Even with surgery, it may take several weeks or months for a soft-tissue injury to heal fully.
  • Physical therapy — A soft-tissue injury can cause muscles to atrophy, further limiting your movement or weakening your body. To get your full range of motion back, you may need to take part in physical therapy to retrain and strengthen the injured part of your body.
  • Ice therapy — Regularly applying ice to the injured part of your body can reduce swelling, help with pain, and aid circulation to the affected area, all of which can help promote recovery.
  • Heat therapy — In some instances, applying heat instead of ice (or alternating the two) can help reduce the pain and swelling of a soft-tissue injury.
  • Rest — Keeping your weight off the injured part of your body and limiting your movement is often necessary to help a soft-tissue injury heal properly. Keeping the affected body part elevated or using compression clothing can help circulation and reduce recovery time.

Can I Collect Workers’ Compensation Benefits for an Acute Soft-Tissue Injury?

Workers’ compensation benefits cover all reasonable, medically necessary treatments related to an injury as long as it is work-related. Therefore, if you suffer a job-related soft-tissue injury, your benefits should cover the cost of any treatment you need.

With soft-tissue injuries, it is essential and sometimes challenging to prove the injury is related to your job. If you were injured because of one hard blow, you would likely have an easier time with your case, but soft-tissue injuries related to repetitive stress or overexertion pose a greater challenge. However, working with an experienced Oregon workers’ compensation lawyer can make obtaining the benefits you need easier.

Complications Caused by Acute Soft-tissue Injuries

Soft-tissue injuries can be extremely painful and significantly impact your ability to do everyday activities. Some of the long-term physical complications that can stem from a soft-tissue injury include:

  • Pain or a burning or tingling sensation in the affected area
  • Swelling and discomfort
  • Muscles spasms and cramps
  • Bruises that do not fade or keep bleeding
  • Full or partial loss of your range of motion
  • Instability in your joints
  • Weakness or an inability to carry weight in the affected area

These effects can severely limit your ability to work, enjoy certain activities, and take care of yourself. A knowledgeable workers’ compensation lawyer can help you recover benefits to pay your medical expenses and make up for lost wages.

Contact Our Portland Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today

Do not let your employer or their insurance carrier deny you the workers’ compensation benefits you need after an acute soft-tissue injury. We’re here to guide you on how to handle your claim and take the pressure off you during this stressful time.

Contact the Law Offices of Jodie Anne Phillips Polich, PC, today for a free consultation.

Get Started with your CaseCall Us at 503-654-1388