Portland Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

The spinal cord is critical for communication between the brain and the rest of the body. Electrical signals transmitted from the brain control nerves and muscles, allowing for movement and maintaining motor control. An injury to the spinal cord could significantly disrupt these critical functions. These injuries could have a lasting impact on mobility and other essential bodily functions.
If you sustained a spinal cord injury in a work-related accident in Oregon, you could be eligible to seek benefits from your employer’s workers’ compensation policy. While securing these benefits should be straightforward, especially after a severe injury, workers often find the process challenging and contentious.
The Portland workers’ compensation attorney at the Law Offices of Jodie Anne Phillips Polich, P.C., has extensive experience helping people seek the workers’ compensation benefits they deserve after severe injuries like spinal cord damage. If you’ve been hurt, we are ready to help.
Contact us online or call 503-451-6065 for a free consultation to discuss your case today.
What to Do If You Suffered a Spinal Cord Injury in Portland
If you suffered a spinal cord injury in the workplace, you should take the following steps:
- First, you should immediately report the injury to your employer. You can do this by filling out this form and submitting it to your employer.
- You should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Make sure that the treating physician knows that your injury is work-related. It’s best to be treated within 72 hours of sustaining the injury. If you don’t, the insurance company could try to argue that your injury did not stem from a work-related accident. Bring this form along to your doctor’s visit if possible.
- Your employer’s insurance company will have 60 days to then accept or deny your claim. If your claim is denied, you’ll have a chance to appeal. For more information on the workers’ compensation process in Oregon, click here.
Get Started with your CaseCall Us at 503-654-1388
What Is My Spinal Cord Injury Case Worth?
Workers’ compensation exists to provide vital benefits to injured employees. If you suffered a spinal cord injury in a work-related accident, you could be eligible for benefits including:
- Medical expenses and other expenses related to medical treatment for your spinal cord injury, including hospital bills, reimbursement for prescription medications, transportation, lodging, meals, and other expenses.
- Lost wages or partial reimbursement for the income you would have earned at your job if you had not been injured. These benefits are sometimes called time-loss benefits. They are two-thirds of your average weekly income up to a maximum set by Oregon state law.
If you have been injured in the workplace and are preparing to file for workers’ compensation, don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated workers’ compensation attorney for assistance and advice.
How Do Spinal Cord Injuries Occur?
The spine comprises 33 stacked vertebrae that house the spinal cord, which transmits messages between the brain and the rest of the body.
The spinal cord can be damaged by a sudden, violent blow to the spine that fractures, breaks, crushes, dislocates, or compresses its protective vertebrae. Damage to the spinal cord can be debilitating and life-altering. Some cases can be fatal.
Most Common Causes of Workplace Spinal Cord Injuries in Portland
A wide variety of workplace accidents can cause spinal cord injuries in the Portland area. Some of the most common include:
- Motor vehicle accidents – Motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of spinal cord injuries. Many workers are required to drive to work, whether they are running an errand for their employer, working for a rideshare or taxi company, or making deliveries, for example. Motor vehicle accidents can result in herniated discs, pinched nerves, fractured vertebrae, and paralysis in worst-case scenarios.
- Falls – When a worker falls from an elevated height, they risk suffering a spinal cord injury, especially if they fall on their back. For instance, construction workers and window washers who frequently work on scaffolding are particularly vulnerable to falls.
- Acts of violence – When workers go to work each day, they expect to be safe from intentional injuries caused by co-workers, customers, and others. Sadly, acts of violence do sometimes occur in the workplace. For instance, if a customer assaults a worker or if employees get into an altercation, the acts of violence they perpetrate can cause life-altering spinal cord injuries.
- Lifting – Many workers, such as construction workers, are routinely required to lift heavy objects. Workers who lift heavy objects frequently can inadvertently injure their back and spine area when lifting a heavy object the wrong way.
- Hazardous tools or machinery – In some cases, defective machinery or equipment can cause a spinal cord injury. In other cases, employees may incur a spinal cord injury from misusing a piece of equipment and not being familiar with how to use it safely.
Levels of Spinal Cord Injuries Caused by Workplace Accidents
Not all spinal cord injuries are the same. They can range from moderate to severe, depending on where along the spine the injury occurs.
The four levels of spinal cord injuries include:
- Cervical spinal cord injuries – These injuries affect the head and neck area at the very top of the spine. Cervical spinal cord injuries are the most severe type of spinal cord injury because they can sever the connection between the brain and most of the body.
- Lumbar spinal cord injuries – Lumbar spinal cord injuries affect the legs and hips near the base of the spine. Workers who sustain lumbar spinal cord injuries may require the use of leg braces or a wheelchair.
- Thoracic spinal cord injuries – Thoracic spinal cord injuries affect the upper chest, mid-back, and abdominal muscles. This type of spinal cord injury usually does not affect mobility in the hands or arms.
- Sacral spinal cord injuries – Sacral spinal cord injuries also occur near the base of the spine, affecting the backs of the thighs, buttocks, pelvis area, and hips. Unlike lumbar spinal cord injuries, sacral spinal cord injuries usually don’t impair a worker’s ability to walk.
Symptoms of a Spinal Cord Injury
Every spinal cord injury is unique, and victims of spinal cord injuries may experience several different symptoms depending on the location and severity of the injury, among other factors.
Some common symptoms of a spinal cord injury include:
- Severe back pain
- Unnaturally positioned neck or back
- Pressure in the neck, head, or back
- Weakness or loss of coordination
- Numbness or tingling sensations
- Difficulties with walking and balance
- Loss of motor function
Contact Our Portland Workplace Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Today
If you have sustained a spinal cord injury on the job in Portland and you have questions about the workers’ compensation process or need help with an appeal, contact the Law Offices of Jodie Anne Phillips Polich, P.C.
Our Portland spinal cord injury lawyer represents injured workers, and we are ready to put our experience to work for you. Contact us online or call 503-451-6065 today for a free case evaluation.