By Jodie Anne Phillips Polich, P.C.

In Workers' Compensation

Employers in Oregon are responsible for maintaining a reasonably safe environment for their employees. So, what happens when an employer shrugs off their responsibility, and you notice unsafe working conditions at your workplace? Is there anything you can do to help prevent an accident and protect yourself?

The answer is yes. You can report unsafe working conditions in Oregon. Although almost every workplace must post instructions for contacting the correct government safety organizations, that is no guarantee that they have done so or that the process is straightforward. Here’s what you need to know.

Defining Unsafe Working Conditions in Oregon

The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Oregon OSHA) outlines several workplace safety hazards that may constitute unsafe working conditions. A safety hazard is a condition, practice, or act that could potentially result in an injury or illness to an employee. In other words, anything that could harm workers could be an unsafe working condition.

Here are some of the most common examples of unsafe conditions at work:

  • Lack of personal protective equipment
  • Exposure to hazardous materials and chemicals
  • Unsafe work practices, like failure to follow safety protocols
  • Unsafe or improperly maintained tools, equipment, and machinery
  • Inadequate lights or ventilation
  • Excessive noise exposure
  • Slippery flooring or walkways
  • Obstructed walkways

Employees should report workplace hazards to their employer and state or federal safety authorities.

Reporting Hazards and Unsafe Working Conditions in Oregon

Here are the steps you should take when reporting workplace hazards and unsafe working conditions:

  • Identify the workplace safety hazard. First, you must identify the hazardous condition, practice, or act that poses a risk to yourself and others.
  • Notify your employer. Always report the workplace safety hazard to your employer so they can address the safety issues and protect employees.
  • Document the hazards. Document the potential hazards as thoroughly as you can. Take photographs and videos when possible. Identify witnesses who also noticed the safety and health issues and keep all safety-related communications between you and your employer.
  • Contact Oregon OSHA. Report the safety hazard to the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration. You can file OSHA complaints online, by phone, or by mail. Provide detailed information about hazards, locations, and related incidents or injuries.
  • File a complaint. You have the right to report unsafe conditions and workplace injuries. Take time to file an official complaint and learn about the process.
  • Cooperate with the inspection. Oregon OSHA may inspect your workplace. Always cooperate fully with Oregon OSHA inspectors.

Your Rights as an Employee in Oregon

In Oregon, you have the right to report hazardous working conditions without fear of retaliation from your employer. There are protections in place to help prevent retaliation. If you feel you are being unfairly targeted after making a complaint, talk to an attorney about whistleblower protection laws.

Consult Our Committed Portland-Based Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Were you hurt on the job because of hazardous working conditions? Contact an Oregon workers’ compensation claim attorney today for a free consultation. At Jodie Anne Phillips Polich, P.C., our Portland workplace injury lawyer wants to protect your rights and help you pursue the justice and compensation you deserve from the Oregon workers’ compensation system.

Jodie Anne Phillips Polich has been serving the needs of injured workers since 1993 and has developed a statewide reputation for the quality of her work.